We are now utilizing an online giving tool called EasyTithe. This will provide one more way to help our members and friends support the ministry of The Branches Church of the Nazarene. EasyTithe can be used as a one time resource, as a "click to use" tool, or as a complete online giving platform where you can set up regular donations for weekly, monthly or annual tithes, gifts and offerings.
EasyTithe is simple to use from your computer, your tablet or your smartphone!
It is important for The Branches Church of the Nazarene that we be good stewards for the God's Kingdom. As such, we never want anyone to go into any debt to make a donation. Therefore we will only accept Debit Card, Check Card and Electronic Check payments. We believe the biblical concept of tithing is relevant today and is an integral step of faithfulness in the life of the believer. We also believe allowing someone to go in debt to give to the Church would be in opposition to the biblical concept of stewardship.
Whether you prefer one time or "click to use" access or you'd prefer to set up a structured giving plan, simply follow this link: Easy Tithe .